Toko 15.11.2022
Alaisuus: vTL
PVM/VIP: 15.11./14.11.
Järjestäjä: CF
Tuomari: Nessu T
Luokat: kaikki
Startit: 2x
Osallistu lähettämällä sähköpostia osoitteeseen itkupillin@gmail.com otsikolla toko29. Käytä alla olevaa koodia. Sama ohjaaja voi ilmoittaa maksimissaan 10 koiraa per luokka.
1-tulos 100-75p
VTR-23416 venvin Stepmaker's Glacia Izayoi, Shannon. 100p
VTR-24482 stbter Zappier Slime Sea, Nessu 99p
VTR-24528 ventoy Bit Like Tiger Eye, Vilppu 89p
VTR-24305 whippe Elysian Lust, Nessu 88p
VTR-24265 afgaan Majsroyal Dulzian Chalumeau, Nessu 88p
VTR-24514 shelam Leafste Freon's Just Add Water, Vilppu 86p
VTR-24550 engvin Talk Dirty To Me, Shannon. 85p
VTR-24561 clk Magnild Ranveig, Salama 84p
VTR-23075 siphus Hallatarun Tatti, Dee 76p
VTR-24409 sp Kuparipulverin Musta Kreivitär, Nessu 75p
VTR-23648 shelam Illuminating Emerald by Endless Elegy, Dee 75p
2-tulos 74-50p
VTR-24596 venvin Saragis Almaznyy Valya, Shannon. 72p
VTR-24603 afgaan Saragis Yasiir Baraz, Shannon. 66p
VTR-24554 saluki Mu'taz Tahir, Shannon. 63p
VTR-24534 afgaan Stepmaker's Luminous, Shannon. 62p
VTR-24446 clk Perfect Storm's Hang in There, Salama 57p
VTR-24445 clk Hyacinth Moor's Charles, Salama 56p
VTR-24541 bc Incide Broccolyn, Vilppu 54p
VTR-24547 saluki Zinat Fareeha, Shannon. 53p
VTR-24479 clk Joystorm Xirox Xisco, Salama 53p
VTR-22809 alamal Williwetäjän Surkeiden Sattumusten Sarja, Dee 51p
VTR-24484 bulter Zappier European Dead Zone, Nessu 50p
3-tulos 49-20p
VTR-24510 clk Sotasielun Kanahaukka, Salama 45p
VTR-24359 brp The Nature of Time, Salama 44p
VTR-24415 slk Enkelimielen Fiimenen Pala Makein, Nessu 42p
VTR-24475 whippe Elysian Nightingale, Nessu 41p
VTR-24520 kkette Spearfox's Dusty Dancer, Nessu 37p
VTR-23888 bpm Quick Skedaddle with Cannibal Kids, Dee 29p
VTR-24548 itavin Bravoras Hocus Pocus, Shannon. 27p
VTR-22926 bpt Foxphoria Barking Dogs Seldom Bite, Dee 23p
VTR-24425 cpk Strongtalon's King Arthur, Dee 21p
0-tulos alle 20p
VTR-24551 saluki Jadwaaq Hajar Ayda, Shannon. 19p
VTR-23108 lpk Tikivik Cupun Chinook, Dee 18p
VTR-22899 esv Pihkovan Baliyo, Dee 14p
VTR-24631 engspa Kehtovalssin Heinätähtimö, Dee 12p
VTR-24493 brater Solmusielun Rationaalinen, Nessu 11p
VTR-24497 bpm Solmusielun Vesi Valvoo Vaikka Hiivitkin; Salama 10p
VTR-24605 engvin Saragis Xanthic Eloquence, Shannon. 9p
VTR-24421 bpt Shadow Dancing with Cannibal Kids, Salama 8p
VTR-24585 bpt Only Joking! Serivakka, Salama 8p
VTR-24405 clk Gloomkiller Macao, Salama 5p
VTR-24495 alamal Kaamossielun Pyry, Nessu 3p
VTR-23444 shelam Deep Space Rush by Endless Elegy, Dee 1p
1-tulos 100-75p
VTR-24168 nsn Pijonasfloo Kybartrai, Nessu 100p
VTR-24411 amst The Faulty One of the Scrambling Kids, Nessu 96p
VTR-23239 ak 10th Tranquil With A Beautiful Nightmare, Dee 91p
VTR-22170 siphus Drippy Trippy Sandstorm, Dee 90p
VTR-23072 venvin Elysian Exception, Shannon. 90p
VTR-24628 lpk Nuortin Jäkäläpeitto, Salama 86p
VTR-22594 engspa Lacuna's Burlywood Beaver, Dee 86p
VTR-24205 stbter Kindlier Kindergartenwächter, Nessu 84p
VTR-24397 clk Sotasielun Aaltoviiva, Salama 83p
VTR-23338 clk Sotasielun Aallonharja, Dee 77p
2-tulos 74-50p
VTR-24356 sp Foxphoria Home Is Where the Heart Is, Salama 71p
VTR-24153 slough Elysian Koala, Nessu 67p
VTR-23141 whippe Lind Electric Candyman, Shannon. 60p
VTR-24402 sp Difficult of Narvik, Salama 59p
VTR-23074 engvin Elysian Flashback, Shannon. 55p
VTR-24432 cpk Fregatti's Woldermort, Salama 54p
VTR-24345 ss Foxphoria Good Samaritan, Vilppu 52p
3-tulos 49-20p
VTR-23414 saluki Hippulat Vinkuen Hyasintti, Shannon. 49p
VTR-19379 kn Kind of Criminal de la Dorado, Dee 46p
VTR-24182 chihul Glaciate by Gradyloo, Vilppu 41p
VTR-24099 shelam Magnild Jarnsaxa, Nessu 37p
VTR-23019 clk Sotasielun Prangli, Dee 36p
VTR-24204 stbter Acalyptrata Schizophora, Nessu 35p
VTR-23064 pirset Strawberry Avalanche, Shannon. 35p
VTR-24215 vp Solmusielun Sanoit Että Oot Ihana, Salama 34p
VTR-24577 mittel Kaamossielun Taimi, Salama 27p
VTR-23104 venvin Saragis Tvoya Vremya, Shannon. 25p
VTR-23380 dk Muumihumpan Helmeri, Dee 23p
0-tulos alle 20p
VTR-24452 bpt Tiny Demons with Cannibal Kids, Salama 17p
VTR-23858 käävil Winnowingly Sophisticated, Nessu 13p
VTR-22368 whippe Tähtitieteen Väräjöivä, Dee 12p
VTR-24492 clk Wiin Langetettu Kirous, Salama 11p
VTR-23491 sp Sturmfrei Fulda, Dee 10p
VTR-24063 whippe Elysian Joyride, Nessu 7p
VTR-24549 itavin Ciestosa Caramelldansen, Shannon. 5p
VTR-23092 unkvin Rosian's Hajna Csilla, Shannon. 4p
VTR-24193 venvin Hippulat Vinkuen Oopiumunikko, Nessu 3p
VTR-23238 ak 10th Tranquil Bangarang, Dee 3p
VTR-24120 shelam Sotasielun Chinchilla Chilikastikkeessa, Nessu 1p
1-tulos 120-85p
VTR-23558 kn Tickleton Happy Hannibal, Dee 120p
VTR-24167 lpk Roudanlujan Noitarumpu, Nessu 120p
VTR-23864 engspa Rosebush Archibald, Nessu 118p
VTR-23560 skn Malarkey's Danktanksandrollstorm, Dee 114p
VTR-23971 shikok Akishi shu Shuixing, Nessu 105p
VTR-21751 engspa Muistikuvan Downey, Dee 105p
VTR-24345 ss Foxphoria Good Samaritan, Vilppu 103p
VTR-24211 shelam Magnild Magnor, Nessu 101p
VTR-23127 itavin Saragis Under Neon Lights, Shannon. 98p
VTR-24178 cocspa Crimson Mirelands la Lluvia, Vilppu 88p
VTR-24121 clk Sotasielun Aikakone, Salama 86p
VTR-24224 bc Pimeyteen Kadonnut Mitä Pirskattia, Vilppu 86p
VTR-24249 tandog Hulvaton Banaani Barbaari, Nessu 85p
3-tulos 84-60p
VTR-22808 alamal Frostway's I'm On My Way, Dee 75p
VTR-22933 sp Sturmfrei Ebeleben, Dee 71p
VTR-24234 clk Halluharjan ParaParaParadise, Nessu 64p
3-tulos 59-25p
VTR-23957 bpt Reef Gecko with Cannibal Kids, Salama 58p
VTR-23124 azawak Saragis Vanille Mont Blanc, Shannon. 51p
VTR-24311 shelam Go-Away-Bird from Indigo Land, Nessu 42p
VTR-24437 apk The One with Rapid Raccoon, Salama 39p
VTR-24107 bc Magnild Linnea, Nessu 36p
VTR-22509 clk Joystorm Jahsra Jamira, Dee 29p
0-tulos alle 25p
VTR-23486 käävil New Moon from Indigo Land, Dee 14p
VTR-23048 venvin Saragis Bol'shoy i Nezhnyy, Shannon. 14p
VTR-23048 whippe Moonlane's Pink Cadillac, Shannon. 13p
VTR-24280 shelam Magnild Oddny, Vilppu 11p
VTR-23492 beagle Zappier Ashen Steep, Dee 10p
VTR-24108 rw Hulvaton Ampiainen Ambulanssissa, Nessu 2p
1-tulos 120-85p
VTR-15866 kn Suden Sydämen Rikkinäinen Laulu, Dee 118p
VTR-21349 whippe Saragis Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, Shannon. 118p
VTR-22479 clk Leemark's Spiraling Streams, Dee 117p
VTR-21845 venvin Pikapuuron Bailando, Shannon. 113p
VTR-24174 shelam Leafste Freon's Munt Buffalora, Vilppu 106p
VTR-22606 kd Szivárvány Város Fény, Dee 106p
VTR-21189 siphus Valhallan Jazzy Poet, Dee 104p
VTR-23892 bc Vilinän Aavikkojuoksija, Vilppu 102p
VTR-23578 m Solmusielun Ravistettava Ennen Käyttöä, Nessu 100p
VTR-22046 venvin Stepmaker's Endless Diamond, Shannon. 96p
VTR-23396 espve Pihkovan Cooper, Nessu 92p
VTR-23046 saluki Zafar Hayim al-Wahid, Shannon. 90p
VTR-23980 bpt Solmusielun Se Viljat Viiltää, Nessu 85p
2-tulos 84-60p
VTR-24078 vp Solmusielun Hiljasinkin Huutaa Omal Tavallaan, Salama 77p
VTR-23989 shelam Esoteric Secrecy from Indigo Land, Vilppu 71p
VTR-24018 siphus Kalmakeijun Hula Holger, Nessu 71p
VTR-21592 bc Guthrun Intro, Dee 67p
VTR-23347 alamal Apaata Aariak Nuliajuk, Nessu 66p
VTR-21858 afgaan Saragis Qadih Aliyya, Shannon. 66p
VTR-22359 walspa Lacuna's Azure Avocado, Dee 63p
3-tulos 59-25p
VTR-24042 kn Flaming River's Miss Fantastic, Vilppu 58p
VTR-23605 clk Solmusielun Armi Adalmiina, Nessu 56p
VTR-23093 whippe Saragis Say Nothing, Shannon. 56p
VTR-23041 whippe Kishmer's Night Nurse, Shannon. 53p
VTR-22473 kn Kultakuumeen Salainen Ihastus, Dee 53p
VTR-21116 bc Joystorm Quarter Past Now, Dee 53p
VTR-23828 siphus Kalmakeijun Gust Gáhteriinná, Nessu 49p
VTR-21268 saluki Saragis Taz'im ibn Wadid, Shannon. 49p
VTR-20938 chihup Honeybee's Bad Romance, Shannon. 47p
VTR-23905 ventoy Aamupahan Ikuinen Timantti, Vilppu 44p
VTR-23835 clk Sotasielun Aarrearkku, Nessu 43p
VTR-22471 shelam Ventura Wheel from Indigo Land, Dee 38p
VTR-24058 cocspa La Venda la Lluvia, Vilppu 33p
VTR-24027 cpk Gloomkiller Kriss Kross, Salama 27p
0-tulos alle 25p
VTR-20079 d Douperks Amfetamin Dope, Nessu 24p
VTR-23974 clk Sotasielun Kalalokki, Salama 22p
VTR-24213 hovawa Wilder Zick Zack, Salama 22p
VTR-21847 whippe Une Fois Adelante, Shannon. 20p
VTR-24020 siphus Kalmakeijun Hula Helve, Salama 18p
VTR-23809 slk Enkelimielen Cahesti Ajatella Cerran Puhua, Nessu 16p
VTR-22154 saluki Pokre's Labile, Dee 16p
VTR-23855 wecoca Siipeilijän Kallokiituri, Salama 16p
1-tulos 100-75p
VTR-24561 clk Magnild Ranveig, Salama 98p
VTR-23648 shelam Illuminating Emerald by Endless Elegy, Dee 93p
VTR-24585 bpt Only Joking! Serivakka, Salama 93p
VTR-24534 afgaan Stepmaker's Luminous, Shannon. 92p
VTR-23416 venvin Stepmaker's Glacia Izayoi, Shannon. 88p
VTR-24528 ventoy Bit Like Tiger Eye, Vilppu 87p
VTR-24421 bpt Shadow Dancing with Cannibal Kids, Salama 87p
VTR-24482 stbter Zappier Slime Sea, Nessu 86p
VTR-24415 slk Enkelimielen Fiimenen Pala Makein, Nessu 83p
VTR-24596 venvin Saragis Almaznyy Valya, Shannon. 82p
VTR-24409 sp Kuparipulverin Musta Kreivitär, Nessu 81p
VTR-24554 saluki Mu'taz Tahir, Shannon. 79p
2-tulos 74-50p
VTR-24493 brater Solmusielun Rationaalinen, Nessu 74p
VTR-24484 bulter Zappier European Dead Zone, Nessu 71p
VTR-24551 saluki Jadwaaq Hajar Ayda, Shannon. 66p
VTR-24445 clk Hyacinth Moor's Charles, Salama 64p
VTR-23888 bpm Quick Skedaddle with Cannibal Kids, Dee 63p
VTR-24425 cpk Strongtalon's King Arthur, Dee 62p
VTR-24479 clk Joystorm Xirox Xisco, Salama 58p
VTR-24520 kkette Spearfox's Dusty Dancer, Nessu 55p
VTR-24603 afgaan Saragis Yasiir Baraz, Shannon. 55p
3-tulos 49-20p
VTR-24475 whippe Elysian Nightingale, Nessu 47p
VTR-24359 brp The Nature of Time, Salama 45p
VTR-24548 itavin Bravoras Hocus Pocus, Shannon. 45p
VTR-24514 shelam Leafste Freon's Just Add Water, Vilppu 41p
VTR-24541 bc Incide Broccolyn, Vilppu 41p
VTR-22809 alamal Williwetäjän Surkeiden Sattumusten Sarja, Dee 39p
VTR-24305 whippe Elysian Lust, Nessu 39p
VTR-24631 engspa Kehtovalssin Heinätähtimö, Dee 35p
VTR-22899 esv Pihkovan Baliyo, Dee 28p
VTR-24497 bpm Solmusielun Vesi Valvoo Vaikka Hiivitkin; Salama 25p
VTR-24510 clk Sotasielun Kanahaukka, Salama 20p
0-tulos alle 20p
VTR-23444 shelam Deep Space Rush by Endless Elegy, Dee 15p
VTR-23108 lpk Tikivik Cupun Chinook, Dee 14p
VTR-23075 siphus Hallatarun Tatti, Dee 14p
VTR-24550 engvin Talk Dirty To Me, Shannon. 12p
VTR-24405 clk Gloomkiller Macao, Salama 12p
VTR-22926 bpt Foxphoria Barking Dogs Seldom Bite, Dee 11p
VTR-24495 alamal Kaamossielun Pyry, Nessu 8p
VTR-24446 clk Perfect Storm's Hang in There, Salama 8p
VTR-24605 engvin Saragis Xanthic Eloquence, Shannon. 2p
VTR-24547 saluki Zinat Fareeha, Shannon. 1p
VTR-24265 afgaan Majsroyal Dulzian Chalumeau, Nessu 1p
1-tulos 100-75p
VTR-24063 whippe Elysian Joyride, Nessu 98p
VTR-23141 whippe Lind Electric Candyman, Shannon. 98p
VTR-23019 clk Sotasielun Prangli, Dee 97p
VTR-24356 sp Foxphoria Home Is Where the Heart Is, Salama 94p
VTR-24577 mittel Kaamossielun Taimi, Salama 86p
VTR-22170 siphus Drippy Trippy Sandstorm, Dee 82p
VTR-24168 nsn Pijonasfloo Kybartrai, Nessu 81p
VTR-24205 stbter Kindlier Kindergartenwächter, Nessu 81p
VTR-23104 venvin Saragis Tvoya Vremya, Shannon. 80p
VTR-23414 saluki Hippulat Vinkuen Hyasintti, Shannon. 79p
VTR-24120 shelam Sotasielun Chinchilla Chilikastikkeessa, Nessu 76p
VTR-24549 itavin Ciestosa Caramelldansen, Shannon. 75p
2-tulos 74-50p
VTR-24492 clk Wiin Langetettu Kirous, Salama 71p
VTR-23338 clk Sotasielun Aallonharja, Dee 63p
VTR-24099 shelam Magnild Jarnsaxa, Nessu 62p
3-tulos 49-20p
VTR-24193 venvin Hippulat Vinkuen Oopiumunikko, Nessu 47p
VTR-19379 kn Kind of Criminal de la Dorado, Dee 41p
VTR-22368 whippe Tähtitieteen Väräjöivä, Dee 40p
VTR-24432 cpk Fregatti's Woldermort, Salama 39p
VTR-23380 dk Muumihumpan Helmeri, Dee 37p
VTR-24452 bpt Tiny Demons with Cannibal Kids, Salama 37p
VTR-23072 venvin Elysian Exception, Shannon. 36p
VTR-23239 ak 10th Tranquil With A Beautiful Nightmare, Dee 36p
VTR-24628 lpk Nuortin Jäkäläpeitto, Salama 33p
VTR-23074 engvin Elysian Flashback, Shannon. 30p
VTR-24345 ss Foxphoria Good Samaritan, Vilppu 29p
VTR-23858 käävil Winnowingly Sophisticated, Nessu 27p
VTR-24204 stbter Acalyptrata Schizophora, Nessu 25p
VTR-24411 amst The Faulty One of the Scrambling Kids, Nessu 23p
VTR-23064 pirset Strawberry Avalanche, Shannon. 20p
0-tulos alle 20p
VTR-23092 unkvin Rosian's Hajna Csilla, Shannon. 19p
VTR-24215 vp Solmusielun Sanoit Että Oot Ihana, Salama 19p
VTR-24153 slough Elysian Koala, Nessu 17p
VTR-23491 sp Sturmfrei Fulda, Dee 13p
VTR-22594 engspa Lacuna's Burlywood Beaver, Dee 12p
VTR-23238 ak 10th Tranquil Bangarang, Dee 10p
VTR-24397 clk Sotasielun Aaltoviiva, Salama 4p
VTR-24402 sp Difficult of Narvik, Salama 2p
VTR-24182 chihul Glaciate by Gradyloo, Vilppu 2p
1-tulos 120-85p
VTR-24345 ss Foxphoria Good Samaritan, Vilppu 119p
VTR-23124 azawak Saragis Vanille Mont Blanc, Shannon. 116p
VTR-24234 clk Halluharjan ParaParaParadise, Nessu 114p
VTR-21751 engspa Muistikuvan Downey, Dee 108p
VTR-24280 shelam Magnild Oddny, Vilppu 108p
VTR-23048 venvin Saragis Bol'shoy i Nezhnyy, Shannon. 101p
VTR-23492 beagle Zappier Ashen Steep, Dee 100p
VTR-24249 tandog Hulvaton Banaani Barbaari, Nessu 100p
VTR-24167 lpk Roudanlujan Noitarumpu, Nessu 99p
VTR-23127 itavin Saragis Under Neon Lights, Shannon. 96p
2-tulos 84-60p
VTR-24311 shelam Go-Away-Bird from Indigo Land, Nessu 81p
VTR-23971 shikok Akishi shu Shuixing, Nessu 76p
VTR-24224 bc Pimeyteen Kadonnut Mitä Pirskattia, Vilppu 75p
3-tulos 59-25p
VTR-23558 kn Tickleton Happy Hannibal, Dee 54p
VTR-23560 skn Malarkey's Danktanksandrollstorm, Dee 52p
VTR-24107 bc Magnild Linnea, Nessu 41p
VTR-22509 clk Joystorm Jahsra Jamira, Dee 34p
VTR-23048 whippe Moonlane's Pink Cadillac, Shannon. 34p
VTR-22808 alamal Frostway's I'm On My Way, Dee 31p
VTR-24108 rw Hulvaton Ampiainen Ambulanssissa, Nessu 29p
VTR-22933 sp Sturmfrei Ebeleben, Dee 28p
VTR-23864 engspa Rosebush Archibald, Nessu 28p
VTR-24211 shelam Magnild Magnor, Nessu 26p
0-tulos alle 25p
VTR-23957 bpt Reef Gecko with Cannibal Kids, Salama 11p
VTR-24437 apk The One with Rapid Raccoon, Salama 9p
VTR-24121 clk Sotasielun Aikakone, Salama 7p
VTR-24178 cocspa Crimson Mirelands la Lluvia, Vilppu 1p
VTR-23486 käävil New Moon from Indigo Land, Dee 1p
1-tulos 120-85p
VTR-24027 cpk Gloomkiller Kriss Kross, Salama 119p
VTR-24078 vp Solmusielun Hiljasinkin Huutaa Omal Tavallaan, Salama 118p
VTR-21189 siphus Valhallan Jazzy Poet, Dee 113p
VTR-21592 bc Guthrun Intro, Dee 113p
VTR-22606 kd Szivárvány Város Fény, Dee 113p
VTR-22046 venvin Stepmaker's Endless Diamond, Shannon. 110p
VTR-23041 whippe Kishmer's Night Nurse, Shannon. 106p
VTR-21116 bc Joystorm Quarter Past Now, Dee 102p
VTR-21858 afgaan Saragis Qadih Aliyya, Shannon. 99p
VTR-21845 venvin Pikapuuron Bailando, Shannon. 98p
VTR-24058 cocspa La Venda la Lluvia, Vilppu 97p
VTR-15866 kn Suden Sydämen Rikkinäinen Laulu, Dee 97p
VTR-23046 saluki Zafar Hayim al-Wahid, Shannon. 96p
2-tulos 84-60p
VTR-21349 whippe Saragis Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, Shannon. 82p
VTR-23980 bpt Solmusielun Se Viljat Viiltää, Nessu 79p
VTR-20079 d Douperks Amfetamin Dope, Nessu 75p
VTR-23347 alamal Apaata Aariak Nuliajuk, Nessu 74p
VTR-23835 clk Sotasielun Aarrearkku, Nessu 72p
VTR-24174 shelam Leafste Freon's Munt Buffalora, Vilppu 65p
VTR-23809 slk Enkelimielen Cahesti Ajatella Cerran Puhua, Nessu 65p
VTR-21847 whippe Une Fois Adelante, Shannon. 62p
VTR-22471 shelam Ventura Wheel from Indigo Land, Dee 61p
3-tulos 59-25p
VTR-23892 bc Vilinän Aavikkojuoksija, Vilppu 57p
VTR-24042 kn Flaming River's Miss Fantastic, Vilppu 57p
VTR-23578 m Solmusielun Ravistettava Ennen Käyttöä, Nessu 55p
VTR-24213 hovawa Wilder Zick Zack, Salama 54p
VTR-23855 wecoca Siipeilijän Kallokiituri, Salama 54p
VTR-23828 siphus Kalmakeijun Gust Gáhteriinná, Nessu 46p
VTR-24018 siphus Kalmakeijun Hula Holger, Nessu 43p
VTR-24020 siphus Kalmakeijun Hula Helve, Salama 40p
VTR-21268 saluki Saragis Taz'im ibn Wadid, Shannon. 35p
VTR-20938 chihup Honeybee's Bad Romance, Shannon. 29p
VTR-22154 saluki Pokre's Labile, Dee 27p
VTR-23605 clk Solmusielun Armi Adalmiina, Nessu 26p
0-tulos alle 25p
VTR-23093 whippe Saragis Say Nothing, Shannon. 24p
VTR-22479 clk Leemark's Spiraling Streams, Dee 13p
VTR-23989 shelam Esoteric Secrecy from Indigo Land, Vilppu 13p
VTR-23905 ventoy Aamupahan Ikuinen Timantti, Vilppu 7p
VTR-23396 espve Pihkovan Cooper, Nessu 4p
VTR-22359 walspa Lacuna's Azure Avocado, Dee 3p
VTR-22473 kn Kultakuumeen Salainen Ihastus, Dee 2p
VTR-23974 clk Sotasielun Kalalokki, Salama 2p